Practice Test
Q.No.1. Write brief notes on Two of the following topics:
(i) Energy Crisis    (ii) Plight of Pakistan Railways     (iii) Rain forests  (iv) Environmental Pollution

Q.No.2. Define any Five of the following:
(i) Monarchy   (ii) Theocracy    (iii) Casting vote   (iv) Embargo
(v) Inflation    (vi) Frogman       (vii) Quizling       (viii) Patent
Q.No.3. Choose the correct answer. (Attempt any Ten)

1) Which of the following countries is not a member of U.N?
(a) Turkey
(b) Austria
(c) Sweden
(d) Taiwan
2) The headquarters of International Court of Justice are at:
(a) London
(b) Geneva
(c) The Hague
(d) New york
3) Pakistan joined the U.N in the year:
(a) 1958
(b) 1946
(c) 1947
(d) 1950
4) The name United Nations was suggested by:
(a) Churchill
(b) Roosevelt
(c) Nehru
(d) Abraham Lincoln
5) The permanent secretariat of SAARC is at:
(a) Islamabad
(b) Colombo
(c) Kathmandu
(d) Delhi
6) Which country is not the member of ASEAN:
(a) Cambodia
(b) Brunei
(c) Thailand
(d) Vietnam
7) The second Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
(a) M. Ali Bogra
(b) Liaqat Ali Khan
(c) Kh. Nizamuddin
(d) Ch. Mohammad Ali
8) The member of Security Council members is:
(a) 15
(b) 05
(c) 11
(d) 19
9) The Russian revolution took place in:
(a) 1913
(b) 1915
(c) 1917
(d) 1919
10) Davis cup is a challenge trophy of:
(a) Table tennis
(b) Lawn Tennis
(c) Badminton
(d) Squash
11) Which country suffered the most in World War II:
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Japan
(d) England
12) Democracy was first introduced in:
(a) Egypt
(b) China
(c) Rome
(d) Greece
Q.No.4. What do the following abbreviations stand for: (Attempt any ten)
1) F.B.S
2) C.M.A
3) P.O.A
4) U.S.C
5) E.N.T
6) R.T.A
7) N.L.C
8) N.U.J
9) O.I.C
10) Ph.D
11) R.C.D
12) U.F.O
Q.No.5. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate answers: (Attempt any ten)
1) Angora is the old name of…………….
2) Pampas are the vast grassy plains of…………………
3) The metal most abundantly found on the surface of earth is………………..
4) Cathay is the old name of………………………
5) The largest rice producing country in the world is……………………….
6) The World’s largest mountain range is………………….
7) Savanna grasslands with tall trees are mainly found in………………..
8) Mount Everest is located in…………………….
9) The brightest planet in our solar system is……………………
10) The type of forests which account for most of the total forest area in the world is known as…………….
11) Penicillin was discovered by………………
12) “KIWIS” is the nick name used for the people of……………….

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