KPPSC PMS Political Science Papers

KPKPSC PMS 2013 Examination
Political Science Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Max Marks: 100

Note: attempt five questions in all, selecting at least TWO from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss in detail Plato’s influence on Farabi’s overall perception of Ideal State.
2. Make a comparative review of philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
3. Critically evaluate Iqbal as a Muslim Political thinker. Is his idea of Pan Islamism a myth or reality? Illustrate


4. Sovereignty is a permanent component of the state system. Do you think that sovereignty of state concept is eroding in the modern age new world order of globalized interdependence”? Explain.
5. “Grass root democracy” perception is the essence of sovereignty. But in Pakistan this concept is often introduced by a military ruler. Identify the underlying rationale in it.
6. What are the methods of ascertaining public opinion? How the minority public opinion can be accommodated under the proportional representative system?
7. Why nations prefer the parliamentary form of government over the presidential?
8. Presumably, Islamic system was ideal for a Muslim society like Pakistan. Why this transformation could not be materialized in the country since 1947?

Political Science Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Max Marks: 100

Note: attempt five questions in all, selecting at least TWO from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the powers and role of the President of France under the fifth Republic.
2. “The Senate of USA is the most powerful upper house in the world.” Comment
3. Discuss the organization and role of the Communist party in the former Soviet Union Politics.
4. Explain how the British democracy is overshadowed by the cabinet dictatorship.


5. 18th amendment in the Constitution of 1973 enhanced the autonomy of the provinces. Elucidate
6. Discuss the role played by the Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the rise of Muslim Nationalism in the Sub-Continent.
7. Analyze the role of Kamal Ata-Turk as the first President of Turkish Republic with special reference to six principles of Kamalism to modernize Turkey on western pattern.
8. China’s President system is blend of socialism and democracy. Critically examine

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