Social Security Officer Past Papers PDF

Social Security Officer  Past Papers PDF

1. Battle of plasssey fought in?1757

2. Quaid-e- Azam resigned from Congress in?


3. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in?1913

4. Why Quaid-e-Azam asked for direct action day?

5. Founding Objective of Muslim League was?

6. Arya Samaaj was founded in?

7.Pakistan became UNO member in? 30 sep 1947

8. Who is foreign Minister of Pakistan?Hina Rabbani Khar

9. Shortest period of Governor General in Pakistan was of?

10. Name of Governor General after Nazim-ud-Din?ghulam muhammad

11. Boundary line b/w Pakistan and Afghanistan called?Durand Line

12. Which country is in East of Pakistan?India

13. Founder of Muhammadan educational conference in 1881? Syed Ahmed Khan

14. Who was viceroy at time of partition of Bengal? Lord Curzon

15. First Constitution of Pakistan was made in?23 March 1956

16. Highest civil award of Pakistan? Nishan-e-Pakistan or tamgha e jurat

17. Anjuman-i-Hamayat-i-islam was established in ? 1884

18. Liquat Nehru Pact? 8th April 1950

19. Mohenjodaro located in? Sindh

20 (a) Punjab (b) Sindh(c) Baluchistan (d)NWFP

21. fourteen Points was presented by Jinnah?1929 don’t remember exact date

22. Who was chairman of the Indo-Pakistan Boundary Commission? Sir Cyril Radcliffe

23. National Flower of Pakistan? Jasmine

24. National Animal of Pakistan? markhor


25. Gorbachev was the president of which country?USSR

26. UNO formed in? 24 oct 1945

27. Longest river of world? Nile

28. Largest Desert of world?Sahara

29. Largest island of world?Greenland

30. Largest ocean of world?Pacific Ocean

31. Capital of Argentina?Buneos Airus

32. Capital of Australia?Canberra

33. Nairobi is Capital of ?Kenya

34. Currency of Indonesia? Sen

35. Riyal is currency of? Saudi Arabia

36. CPU is abbreviation of? Central Processing Unit

37. UK stands for?United Kingdom



40. Who wrote “Hayat Javeed”? biography of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan by Altaf Hussain Hal

41. Who wrote “Hamlet”? shakes pear

42. Who wrote “Paradise Lost”? John Milton

43. Who is writer of “Old man and the Sea”? earnest Hemingway

44. Shakespeare was a Writer of which Century? 16th Century

45. Who led Pakistani Cricket Team in World Cup 2011?Shahid Afridi

46. Old name of Myanmar? Burma

47. Spain literally mean?

48. (a) Rabbit (b) lion (c) lord (d) land of rabbits

49. Lionel Messy is a famous player of? (football)

50. Pakistan lies of the tropic zone of?North

(a) South (b) West (c) East (d) North west

51. When Barack H. Obama was awarded with Noble Prize for peace? 2009

52. Cusec is unit for ? water level

53. Light Year is unit of? Distance

54. Who presented Law of Falling Bodies? Einstein

55. One Horse Power is equal to ___ watts? 746

56. Cathay Pacific is an airline of? Honkong

57. Which city lies in two continents?istanbul

58. which city is called city of canals? Venice

59. Only country within country? Vatican city

60. Boxing day is observed on in Australia? 26th Dec

61. How many Bons are in a human body? 206



62. Entice Repel

63. Mettle

64. Microcosm Macrocosm

65. Absurd

66. Modicum small amount


67. imperious

68. Luxuriant

69. Memorable worth remembering

70. Impose enforce



72. Conscious of

73. Comply with

74. Conferred with

75. Deaf to

76. Daily exercise is beneficial _for________ health.

(Correct the spellings)

77. (a) Schedule (b)

78. schizophrenia

79. We __were_____ waiting for two hours.

(a) have been (b) was (c) had (d)

80. We ___visited_______ them yesterday.

(a) will meat

81. see that __he will______ come in meeting.


82. In beliver of mother, who is called “Umm-ul-Miskeen”?[Hazrat Zainab

83. In believer of mother, who is called “Tahirah”?…Hazrat Khadija (R.A)

84. Who was called Sword of Allah? Hazrat khalid bin waleed

85. Who built the kaaba for the first time? {Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)}

86. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died? (6 Years)

87. What is the name of the first mosque of Islam? (Masjid-e-Quba)

88. Which is the first Surah of Quran? (Surah Fatiha)

89. Total number of Chapters and verses in Quran? (30 chapters 6666)

90. How many Makki Surahs are there in Qur’an? (86)

91. How many sons Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) had other than Hazrat yousaf (A.S)?11

92. Which important event mentioned in the quran occured one year before hijrah in makkah? (Miraj)

93. How many prophets are mention in Holy Quran? (25)

94. Name of the sixth kalimah? (Raddi Kufar)

95. Who was the commander of the infidels in Battle of Uhd? (Abu Sufyan)

96. The famous book of Fiqh ” Kitab-ul-Kharaj” was written by?

97. When the truce of Hudaibiya took place?

98. How many Asma-Al-Husna in last two verse of sura ” Al-Hashe”? (10)

99. ayat of Quran confirm the Islam Religion is a complete religion? (Surah Nahal)

100. Important event occur in 2 hjiri in Ramadan?ghazwa badar

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