Solved Islamic Studies MCQs for Preparation of UTS Test

UTS Jobs Syllabus MCQs Papers
Solved Islamic Studies MCQs for Preparation of UTS Test
Universal Testing Service Islamiat Solved MCQs Notes

1.How many times Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran

a. 2 times    b.4times      c.6times           d.3times

2.How many times Namaz commanded in quran

a.300 times      b.500 times    c.700 times    d.900 times

3.How many total number of Mukata’t

a.27        b.28         c.29        d.31

4.Suran Rehman is known as

a. Beauty of Quran      b.Preface of Quran     c.Pride of Quran      d. Start of Quran

5.How many Mosque mentioned in Holy Quran

a.3        b.2            c.1           d.4

6.JANAT UL MOALA is a graveyard in

a.Mecca            b.Madina          c.Iraq        d.Riaz

7.Eid Namaz is

a.Farz                b.Wajib              c.Sunnat        d.Nafal

8.Battle of Badr was fought in very first of Ramzan on

a.18th            b.15th            c.17th          d.7th

9.How many Companions were with Prophet in migration to madina

a.40              b.45         c.50          d.55

10.Transfer of Qibla was ordered in

a.2nd A.H            b.1st AH        c.3rd AH          d.10 Nabvi

11.First forster mother was Sobia who was mother of

a.Hamza          b.Usman       c.Ali          d.Haris

12.Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in

a.6th Nabvi         b.5th Nabvi       c.8th Nabvi     d. 7th Nabvi.

13.First Azan was called out in

a. 10 Nabvi         b.1. A.H         c.2 AH        d.3 AH

14.Cave of Soar is located near Makkah

a.5 miles       b.7miles      c.8miles     d.10miles

15.Bilal called first aazan of

a.Fajr prayer            b.Isha Prayer      c.Asar prayer      d.Zohar Prayer

16.How many  Ahadith collected by Imam Bukhari

a.2lakh       b.3lakh         c.4lakh          d.6lakh

17.Ummmul momineen died last was

a.Umaay Salma     b.hazrat Soda    c.Hazrat Khadija      d.Hazrat Aisha

18. Battle of Tabuk was fought in

a.8hij               b. 9hij          c.7hij          d.10hij

19.Who added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers

a.Hazrat Umar        b.Hazrat Bilal        c.Hazrat Usman    d.Hazrat   Abu Bakar

20.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at

A. Rome            b.Baghdad         c.Syria       d.Palestian


1.. 2 times 

2..700 times 


4.Beauty of Quran   






10..2nd A.H       


12.7th Nabvi.

13..1. A.H 

14.5 miles 

15.Fajr prayer     


17.Umaay Salma 

18. 9hij     

19..Hazrat Usman 


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