Solved Zoology MCQs for NTS Tests

Zoology MCQs

i) Which part of the brain detects the temp.changes in the blood?
a)cerebellum b)cerebral hemisphere c)hypothalamus d)medulla e) none of these

ii) From which of the following is urea formed?
a) Fat b) glycerol c) proteins d) starch e) none of these

iii) Where are hormones destroyed?
a)adrenal gland b)kidney c)liver d)pancreas e) none of these

iv) During the beating of the heart,in which region will the heighest pressure develop?
a)left atrium b) left ventricle c) pulmonary artery d) right ventricle e) none of these..????

v)which molecules are are produced by the digestion of starch and proteins?
a)glycerol and amino acids b) glycerol and fatty acids c) sugar and amino acids d) sugar and fatty acids e)none of these

vi) which type of the cell stimulates the release of adrenaline?
a)white blood cell b)muscle cell c) pancreatic cell d) red blood cells e) none of these

vii)which secretion, released into the ailementary canal,contains no enzyme,but speeds up fat digestion?
a)bile b) intestinal juice c) mucus d)pancreatic juice e) none of these

viii)which of the following normally enters the blood as it passes through the pancreas?
a)amino acids b)glycogen c)insulin d) lipase e) none of these …????

ix) which of the following is the example of discontinuous variation?
a)blood group b) height c)intelligence d) weight e) none of these

x) which of the following would be more prominent in a secretory cell than in the non secretory cell?
a)golgi apparatus b) mitochondria c) ribosomes d)pinocytotic vesicles e)none of these

xi)which of the following is both found in DNA and mRNA?
a)ribose b) thyamine c) sugar-phosphate chain d) double helix structure e) none of these

xii) which is carried by the molecule of transfer RNA?
a)an amino acid molecule b) enzymes for protein synthesis c) information from the DNA d) sequence of codons e) none of these

xiii)the populations of all the species in a given habitat are referred to as
a)biosphere d) community c)ecoshere d) ecosystem e)none of these

xiv)which of the following is not recycled in ecosystem?
a)carbon b) energy c) sulphur d) water e) none of these

xv) in most ecosystems, the greatest amount of energy flows through the,
a)sec.consumers b) herbivores c) carnivores d) decomposers e) none of these

xvi)during which phase of meosis are chiasmata formed?
a)prophase I b) metaphase II c) metaphase I d)telophase II e) none of these

xvii)who proposed the mutation theory of evolution?
a)lamarck b) Darwin c) de vries d) Wallace e) none of these

xviii)during which phase of meosis do homologous chromosomes separate?
a)prophase I b) prophase II c) anaphase I d) anaphase II e) none of these

xix)in a DNA molecule,the basis of prymidine are
a)thymine and cytosine b) cytosine and guanine c) adenine and thymine d) thymine and guanine e)none of these

xx)Triassic and Jurassic periods are included in the
a)palaeozoic era b)mesozoic era c)coenozoic era d) proterozoic era e) none of these

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